1. We are so blessed to live where we do.
It seems like our country is getting worse by the day, and since we are drifting from God, I’d probably have to agree with that. But our country still has lots of good. I don’t think there’s any other place I’d want to live on earth. I have the freedom to write this blog. I went to church on Sunday without any problems. We have some incredible opportunities in this country. I agree with those who say America has been blessed more than any other nation.
I’m so thankful for the freedom we have. It is a great thing, but like pretty much everything, you can take advantage of it and use it the wrong way. God gives us free will, but we’re going to choose the wrong things. Look at what we’re doing with our rights today. We’re legalizing gay marriage, abortion, and more. I’ve definitely made wrong choices, so we need to repent. Which leads me to the next point.
2. Our country needs prayers.
We need to pray that we become one nation under God again, for godly leaders, for our leaders to make good choices according to what God says is good, for safety, for our rights, and that’s just the basics. Where there is freedom and blessings, people can get greedy and arrogant. And our country is pretty much exactly that. We keep trying to get more things to be legal, and the worst part is, the things we want are sinful. But do we care? Apparently not. We are totally turning our backs on God and going our own way. That is a dangerous path to take.
So we need to pray. God hears the prayers of His people (Psalm 34:17).
3. This home is only temporary.
Modern Christians that don’t do anything to pursue Jesus like I talk about here are wasting their lives. They’re doing all these things for THIS life not realizing that one day this life is going to be absolutely nothing. I believe we need to have an abundant life here and still work hard, but don’t get too comfy.
4. Jesus is our hope.
With that being said, don’t place your hope in anything but Jesus. I’ve been there, placing my hope in things of the world, done that, and it doesn’t work. Your family is going to die and betray you. The world is going to end, and there goes our country. Friends will betray you. Beauty fades. Popularity fades. Money fades. Now that I’ve depressed you…. Run to Jesus. It’s not bad to have those things or enjoy them, but Jesus needs to be the center of your life. The hope.
I pray that you all have a safe and fun 4th of July! It’s not a sin to enjoy the freedom of our country, or the cute patriotic clothes we’re wearing, or the fun times with our family, but just make sure you know it is all fleeting except for Jesus and his promises. That is an amazing thing to cling to, though. I’ll leave you with some of those promises. Oh and leave me tips for getting good pictures of fireworks!!!