Today, I have Brittany of Collectively Bee on the blog, and she’d like to share how she found her faith as an adult! She has a neat story, and at the end, I’m going to tell you some lessons we can learn from it.
BACKGROUND: Brittany grew up in a religiously unstructured home, and she found her faith and made the decision to follow Jesus. Here is how she continues to grow her relationship with God!
Finding My Faith
It’s not easy. Let me just start with that. First things first, I found my old Bible from when I was a teenager. Yes, it’s pink and green, but it’s perfect and exactly what I need right now. I read the very first introduction page and headed over to Christianity 101. Here is where I started. I read what they suggested and ran with it. Every evening before and after I read from my reading plan I read this prayer.
“God, I believe in you. I know that I am a sinner. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus, to die for my sins and make me right with you. Please come into my life. I give it to you. I want to live for you from now on.”
This may seem basic, but to me it’s perfect and speaks to me on so many levels. Next I read the Word. My Bible also came with some handy-dandy reading plans in the back, so I started with 30 Days for New Christians. Duh, perfect. I’ll be honest, I haven’t kept up nearly as well as I should have, but I still really enjoy it.
As I mentioned before, every evening after I finish my passage for the day I’ll read my prayer again. I find that doing this every night really improves my mood the following day.
Another part of finding my faith is not doing it alone. I’m luckily blessed with a supportive man who wants to grow his relationship with God with me. Having that kind of support is amazing, and I’m so grateful.
At what point did you find your faith? Are you still searching for it? What are you favorite resources to continuously grow your relationship with God?
What We Can Learn
I think it’s awesome that Brittany made the choice to follow Jesus, and she can definitely teach us some things about our relationships with God as well.
It’s Not Always Easy
Some people think that all they have to do is accept Jesus, and their relationship with God will just blossom. You will be a Christian, and you will be saved, but come on, guys. Every relationship requires time. Let’s look at this like a relationship we’d have with a friend. If you meet a friend out shopping or something, you may decide you want to be friends, and you could be, but will your relationship ever grow if you never call each other? never talk to each other? never learn about each other? No, it won’t. And for some reason, people just think it will with God, but it’s like any other relationship. DO YOUR PART.
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
Reading the Word
Reading the Bible is so so so so so important, and I love that Brittany realizes this. I also love how she’s reading plans that help her understand the Bible better and are at her level. That is so important as well!
Brittany also understands the importance of prayer, and that is great as well. You can pray to God about anything (Philippians 4:6). I also love how Brittany surrenders her life to Jesus every day. We all must do that consistently.
“‘I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
Don’t Do It Alone
Last but not least, Brittany has someone who can help her in faith. This is crucial! It’s why I always stress the importance of godly friends, and thankfully God has provided me with some wonderful people at church that are teaching me so much. Find that somebody who can mentor you like I talk about in this post.
Brittany Lockwood is a digital marketing consultant who focuses on helping bloggers and small business owners grow. Through her many years of digital marketing experience, education, and passion for helping others she has devoted her time to assisting others through her company Collectively Bee. As a new Christian, she has found God, which continues to improve her life. You can also find Brittany on Twitter here: @brittylock.