Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I'm Ashlee Staerk, a Christian, writer, and blogger passionate about living for the glory of God and sharing His light. I've been aspiring to become a published author since I was eight years old and completed my first Christian fiction novel when I was 11 and my second when I was 17. While I was working on my first novel, I started this blog shortly before entering sixth grade and have been growing with it ever since. I've always grown up with a love for Jesus, though I believe I surrendered my life to Him in the summer of '13, and for as long as I've dreamed of being a published author, I've dreamed of impacting people for His glory. Above all, I live for Him to make Him known.
Welcome to my site! I’m a young adult whose life goal is to glorify God through my dreams of writing and inspiring others. As I told one of my friends back in third grade, if I can inspire one person through my writing, it’ll all be worth it. Writing stories is my passion.
Currently, I live with my family on an acreage in Iowa. I’m obsessed with the color pink, sparkles, and being on the internet—but you probably started picking up on that. In fall 2021, I moved to Ames where I am a student at Iowa State University majoring in advertising to continue pursuing my passions of communication and content creation. Of course, we all know my real dream job is to be a millionaire author, but ya know, you can’t exactly bank on that, so I’m pursuing the next best thing.
As for my hobbies, besides the obvious writing and blogging, I love to do web design. I love editing pictures, designing layouts, designing graphics, doing simple coding things, etc. I did my entire blog design, minus the actual template, and it can be fun when you know what you’re doing! I also love traveling (definitely a city/beach girl), photography, reading, journaling, and SHOPPING, of course!
I’ve always been a dreamer and have lots of ambitions for my life, and unfortunately, the fruit of the Spirit I struggle with the most is PATIENCE, so sometimes I can get obsessed with my goals instead of enjoying where God has me right now. Some of my goals include becoming a bestselling author and renowned blogger, writing a script/being involved in a movie (if we’re really dreaming big, it’ll be based on my novels!), leaving a godly legacy of being real, caring, and wise, going to the Bahamas (honeymoon…as my parents would say…ha), and—best for last—raising a godly family with a hunk husband (who also loves God as much as he is hot okay). And I think that about does it! Haha, I wish, but I’m also obsessed with making lists, so I have plenty more where this came from, BUT I have learned so much about living each moment, no matter how “small,” for the glory of God and being thankful—because that’s truly what makes up life, rather than accomplishing “goals.”
To learn more about some of my favorite things and my story of coming to my faith, my dreams, and my struggles, keep reading. Thanks SO much for stopping by!
Sparkles in my blog represent the light of Jesus, and my goal is to be a light for Him. Originally, I just started my blog to provide writing updates, but I quickly discovered I had a real passion for this sort of writing and branding and that I could use this blog to start sharing my faith NOW, despite not being a published author *yet*.
I am about a raw, unfiltered view of pain, and from a young age, my goal in writing has always been to give that person drowning in their own brokenness some light and inspire them with true love and hope. I write from my own personal experiences with a completely honest perspective for, essentially, a younger version of myself and how I would encourage myself at a younger age, with faith, with life, with dreams, with hobbies, and everything else that mattered to me then. Ultimately, I dream to help Christians or those searching to own their faith understand the importance of being a light and their influence so more people will accept Jesus—because that’s how you impact the world.
Through this blog, I strive to remain loyal to Jesus through all I share as well as show others how to, spread His light through all types of content I create, mimicking my life purpose, model remaining authentic and moral with my hobbies, passions, and interests, and share my vision of how I dream the world should be, aligned with God’s truth.
I am about brokenness. I am about being light in utter darkness. Why? I am unapologetically real because I know from personal experience what it feels like to be left out, broken, etc. Life can be scary, dark, lonely, and painful. I’ve been through a lot in my life, which you can read about more below, and I’ve learned so much through my faith in God and the dreams He’s put on my heart about what matters. I’m passionate about helping people become more like Jesus and inspiring change. I believe the world needs more than ever to see the power of authenticity and real, unfiltered, relatable stories that inspire their own journey.
That’s what Sparkles by Ashlee is about. Whether it be from an event I attended or a vacation, I always want to keep it real and tell you what I learned through it—bad and good. This is my journey of what God has been teaching me throughout my life. I’m so excited to catch up! You can read about my many adventures, obstacles, triumphs, etc. on my blog. I hope that you’ll be inspired to have faith above all.
My Favorite Things
Learn a Little More About Me
Favorite Books:
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, The Baxter series by Karen Kingsbury, and any YA by Jenny Han
Favorite Stores:
Victoria’s Secret, Revolve, Nordstrom, Lilly Pulitzer
Favorite Sport:
Hockey—to watch, obviously
Favorite Quote:
“If you be a Christian, be a Christian, and be a marked and distinct one.” Charles Spurgeon
Personality Type:
INFJ—I love personality quizzes
Things I Love Most:
Authentic people with mature faith and character, time to be still with God and love and know Him more, pink flowers, stationery, summer warmth, stars in the sky, eating out, buying things, resorts, music—living and enjoying a simple, blessed life for His glory with my family and pets

My Story
They say your most effective ministry will come out of your deepest hurts. They say that little girls with dreams become women with vision. That has definitely been true for me.
I was born in February 2003 in small town Iowa, where I’ve lived my whole life. If I act like I’ve seen a lot throughout my life, it’s because I have. Ever since I was a little kid, the reality of death was always something I understood. I learned early on that all of us would face death someday, and all of us were in need of a Savior. When my brother was born, he almost died and was air-flighted to Des Moines. We found out that he had cystic fibrosis, a genetic lung disease with presently no known cure. I saw the stress my parents endured with job losses, medical bills, and financial burdens on top of that.
I always had a love for Jesus. I had special relationships with my grandparents, whom we saw lots as a result of my parents’ medical procedures, and I remember my grandma and mom always telling me about Jesus, always telling me to turn to Him. I remember, more than anything, their graceful, resilient character that always comforted me. I had a lot of anxiety as a young girl, as life at home was far from perfect. It seemed like there was always something. Either we were struggling financially, or somebody had a health crisis, or my parents were fighting, or my brother was behaving badly; there was just always something. I was an easygoing child and always did as I was told, never wanting to cause any trouble. I’m someone who likes the comfort that peace brings and hate to see people suffering of any kind, even when that’s from their own choices. And all the trials added up quickly, creating numerous perfect storms.
As my brother’s condition stabilized over the years and he remained healthy praise God, which was also not without constant treatment, my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I don’t remember this scaring me much, which was probably in the way my parents graciously presented it to me, telling me that she would have surgery and be okay. All glory to God, it was only stage zero, and she did have a double mastectomy and has been healthy since. Still, it was another major event that prompted more financial hardship. Then, only a year later, Dad had to undergo open-heart surgery. That, I remember, seemed to be when it all caught up with me, the hardship of it all. I was still young, only in third grade, and watching my family struggle so much was difficult and jolting for me.
Through it all, I grew a very intense love for and obsession with reading. Literally, I had a pile of twenty-some books on public display in my room, which was a mistake because then my dad told me I couldn’t have anymore until I’d read them all, and my parents would literally have to force me to come out of my room because I’d always be in there reading. Now you know where the anti-social comes from! But, to put it quite simply, I couldn’t get enough of books and stories. I don’t even know when the desire first got revealed to me because it was always there: God had instilled in me a calling, almost a knowing, that that was what I was going to do one day: become an author myself.
When I was around eight or nine, I began writing in a diary. I loved to pretend I was writing books, so in the back, I had an “about the author” page, which was me, and there I wrote my life mission: to write for Jesus and His glory. My goal had always been to inspire people, and I had always loved Jesus. I just hadn’t learned how to trust Him. My family persisted despite it all, and my mom and grandma were always such a rock for me when my young, tender heart would be consumed with worry. I knew I had to trust God, but it was easier said than done. There were so many nights where I was overcome with fear by all we went through and all that I saw.
While I can’t definitively tell you an exact date and time for my salvation, I do remember an exact day when I surrendered to God in a way I don’t remember doing quite as intensely at any other time of my life and exactly where I was. One of the things we struggled with was our cars. We struggled financially, which affected the cars we were able to buy, and for awhile it seemed like something was always wrong with one of them. We had just bought a new used car, and I was freaking out. There was so much bad experience in the past—basically Firestone had been our second home. So on our way into town (I think something happened with our other car and we were headed into Firestone—surprise) I prayed. I told God that from now on He was in control, and He was in charge of my fears. That didn’t mean I miraculously felt better. But I had a peace, and since then I’ve matured, and I have a joy. It was the point I finally knew I was going to live for Him no matter what and that He was going to begin using me and molding me for His glory.
That night didn’t go perfect—that car actually did end up being a train-wreck. The rest of my life hasn’t gone perfect—there has still been chronic financial struggles, tension at times, and throughout my school journey, a resounding ache of loneliness and misunderstanding. There have been trials since then like MORE job losses and my aunt being diagnosed with and eventually passing away due to breast cancer. The really amazing thing, through it all, is that God has given me peace and joy and meaning and purpose like I never would have dreamed possible. He saved me, not because of anything I did, but because of His grace and unconditional love. And I am honestly so thankful He did allow those problems because they showed me what really matters in life. The sooner you can learn that, the sooner you can really live. They’ve allowed me to find my purpose in life—my story—and my passions, which is to encourage people by directing them to the only One who can. It is only through Jesus you can ever find freedom in this life. And just like I wrote in that diary entry way back then…if only one person is inspired through my story to go to Jesus, then it will all be worth it.
That’s why I’m so passionate about being a light in the dark, in blowing sparkles on the brokenness. That young little girl in me has been brought to her knees again and again, and even now, my heart still has an ache within me because being so serious for God isn’t a very common thing, especially amongst young people, so therefore my social life has practically been nonexistent throughout most of middle and all of high school. Yes, I have His peace and joy, but no, I absolutely do not always feel it—I’ve battled anxiety and depression since I was young, and it’s been very debilitating and numbing at times.
But I still wake up. God gives His grace day after day. Feelings come and go, but He is eternal, and I thank Him that He’s enabled me to live for Him and filled my heart with Him. He is good. He is faithful. Even on the darkest nights, I promise there is still hope. I promise He is still good and still fighting for you. And that’s what my writing and life is all about. Living an abundant life for Him, one day at a time.
I appreciate each and every one of you who read my blog. Your encouragement and support has absolutely astounded me over the years and been such a light God has used in MY life. Thank you for being part of this journey with me!!!
Sparkles, Ashlee ✧ January 4, 2021