Hi everyone! Welcome back to my blog if you’re still with me after about three novels later with my high school blog posts. Throughout those posts, I talked about what God had helped me learn through high school and what advice I wish I would have lived out sooner, and one of the tools He used to help me grow was devotionals. I mentioned a few of them throughout my posts, so I thought this week it would be fun to go through and list my favorite devotional books. I’ve read many devotions throughout my life; my mom has been so good about buying those for me, and my grandma has also shared many excerpts of hers with me. I don’t know if I’ve read a devotional I didn’t like, but some have definitely remained favorites over the years that stand out to me in particular. Without further ado (I won’t make this post a book I promise), here are five of my favorites that I’ve loved over the years.
1. Every Day in His Presence by Charles F. Stanley
This was the devotional book I mentioned throughout my high school posts. This book has had so many devotionals that have been life-changing for me, and it’s one I should reference again and again to help me remember the things God has taught me. I have so many pictures saved of devotions that spoke straight to the issues I was battling, and they have been relevant to every single aspect of my life. He has a way of telling the truth grounded in God’s Word while also breathing the hope and encouragement through them that I desperately needed. Out of all the devotions I’ve read, this one is definitely top of my list; I have so many highlighted and notes taken for when they came at the perfect times and spoke to my soul about so many things from God.
2. Battlefield of the Mind Devotional by Joyce Meyer
This is another close favorite of mine I’ve saved numerous devotions from that were also life-changing throughout my high school career. She also has a book this is based off, which I’ve not read, but I definitely wouldn’t be opposed to reading it because this devotion book was fantastic. It’s one that my mom had been recommending to me again and again because one of the things I specifically struggled with was managing my thoughts and believing the lies in my head, which this devotional focuses on getting rid of with God’s truth. I think Mom finally bought it for me during my sophomore year when this became even more of a struggle for me. It did not disappoint. It’s practical and short, encouraging and insightful, and grounded in God’s Word.
3. Soul Surfer Devotions by Bethany Hamilton
I have had this devotional book for a looooooooooong time. I had an absolute obsession with Bethany Hamilton and all things Soul Surfer when I was probably around eight after we watched her movie one night at my church. It was such an inspiring movie for me, and she remained one of my favorite role models, so of course I got her devotional on one of those long-ago birthdays. For awhile, it was neglected once I phased out of that obsession, but a couple years ago I started reading through it again when I didn’t have any other devotions to read, and I was astounded by Bethany’s wisdom, insight, relatability, and authenticity. She also does not fail to deliver timely, encouraging messages rooted in the Word while also making them relatable and down-to-earth with her own life. I will continue to keep and reference this one as it’s packed with wisdom and maturity over many relevant issues, struggles, and words we all need to be reminded of in God’s Word and with Bethany’s merciful perspective.
4. 30 Days to a More Beautiful You by Kylie Bisutti
I got this devotional when I fell in love with Kylie Bisutti and her amazing testimony. I also heard about her story at a time when I needed it most, and even though I think I’ve mentioned her before, Kylie was a former Victoria’s Secret model who left that world completely behind to follow Jesus. She has so much invaluable advice, then, over issues like body image, conformity, popularity, etc. and shedding light on them with God’s Word. Even though the title may lead you to believe it’s relevant to her modeling/outer beauty, this devotion is about cultivating true beauty of the soul, and it does not fail in delivering inspiring, truthful messages all about that on a variety of facets. Kylie truly is on fire for God and it shows; she has such maturity and wisdom for Him. This may seem like it’s more directed for women, but it has messages that guys could certainly benefit from, too.

I hope you try some of these out! Devotionals are such a great way to begin getting more comfortable with studying God’s Word and further growing in your faith. They also are something I still love doing at the end of each night, as they give me much-needed encouragement and reminders of concepts I can otherwise take for granted and forget about in day-to-day life. I’ve learned many things from these four books! Let me know if you’re going to try any of them and also what your favorites are—I always love recommendations! Thanks for reading!