I’ve been pleasantly surprised, pretty much all of my January goals were completed! Let’s review those today, and then I’ll spill my goals for February, also my birthday month! I knew God would work in January, so let’s look at the progress made.
DO MY BEST IN BASKETBALL: completed, and yay I’m SO glad the season is over! I am just now gaining my energy back from that long season.
UTILIZE SOCIAL MEDIA MORE: completed, I guess. I mean, I’ve reached out, but it hasn’t done a lot for me. To be honest, social media is a such a joke. In the blogging world, bloggers don’t even use it to be real and share updates. No. Instead we’re told to only post pretty things and what not so others will support our blogs and products. It makes me not even like it because it’s truly the best of people. And you wonder why people in today’s world don’t know how to truly support people and their problems.
SURVEY ASKING QUESTIONS THAT WILL HELP ME DETERMINE MY NEXT NOVEL: completed, but I don’t know for sure how selecting my next book will go. I appreciate those of you who took it – hearing your responses meant a lot, and I’ll definitely be taking them into consideration.
FINISH MY PRAYER LOG: not finished, of all the goals. I am making progress, so hopefully this is something I can finish this month.
SAVING MONEY: completed, and it feels great! I’ve got a start in my savings which is going towards my dream laptop, and I have some money in my spending. I also have $10 I’m going to give away because those are my three categories.
TRANSFER MY BOOKS ONTO THEIR NEW SHELF: completed, yay!!! It looks so much better!
FINISH EDITING MY BOOK ON PAPER: completed, and I knew it would be because I didn’t have much left. It’s coming together, and I have learned one thing I would or WILL do differently writing my next book: revise as YOU ARE GOING. I waited until I was totally done, and the book is a big fat mess then. I know a lot of people do it that way, but I’m going to revise as I go next time and see if that saves more time.
February Goals
Get back into running.
I used to be so good with running. Then basketball happened. Then daylight savings happened, and it was too dark to run once I got home. Then winter happened, and Mom says it’s too cold to run. I am going to run as soon as it gets nice. PERMANENTLY for the spring/summer.
I have also found a solution to my bees and wasps problem. My parents say this is a fear I need to get over, to which I reply I will once they are extinct or don’t sting people anymore. Anyway, now I know how to get over this. I was looking through my photos and noticed during the summertime how Hunter and I were walking with Grandma at NINE AT NIGHT. It was getting darker, but it was actually still light out. I could go run at eight or something, and the bees and wasps will be sleeping. SCORE FOR THE HUMANS!!!
Collaborate with a blogger.
This is something I really want to do! I have reached out to two bloggers I really love so far, and both have been interested so yay!
Receive Uggs.
We can take care of one entire yearly goal this month. Let’s do it please and thank you.
Finish the prayer log.
I’ve set an actual daily schedule for myself where each day has a specific thing I work on, and hopefully this will help me actually finish this month.
Have the Iowa Wild beat the Blackhawks’s AHL team and the Minnesota Wild beat the Blackhawks.
If I had to choose one, I would choose Minnesota beating the Blackhawks (duh), but wouldn’t it be awesome if the NHL Blackhawks and their AHL team both got kicked by the Wild?!
Give some money away.
I have $10 to give away, and with my birthday coming I might get more, so hopefully I can put more into my savings and give more away.
Clear off the shelf I don’t want anymore.
This is the shelf I cleared books off of, but there’s still a whole bunch of stuff on it. A lot of it is stuff I don’t even want, so I need to organize it and then get rid of it.
Get close to the end of completely editing my book.
I doubt I will get it totally done this month, but I know I can get close.
Pick a new book to work on.
It’s that time. I have four or five ideas I just can’t pick from to save my life. I’ve been going a step further from just writing down their ideas – I’ve even made outlines for some of them. I figured that maybe if I had each story outlined I could choose which one I like best. I’ll have to let you know how that goes.
I’m really thankful God has helped me through the month. It was exhausting at times, but I know He pulled me through, and I’m ready to take on February!
Good luck with your goals! Social media is… iffy. Some bloggers definitely use it just for promoting their blog (which is fine) but I prefer to follow people who share a little bit more than just "new blog post!" "check out my post!" all the time, ya know?
JessicaThanks! Yeah… I definitely get your point. I just feel like we’re always told to hide our pain and only broadcast what people WANT to see… I’m so over that.