Songs for the Sad Heart That Inspire and Encourage
I actually enjoy sad music. That’s not all I listen to; I like a healthy variety because otherwise I could just sit in a corner listening to sad music and depress myself into oblivion, but I find music as a whole so therapeutic, and some honest, reassuring, relatable, yet hopeful lyrics are necessary for me. They help you feel less alone, process your pain, and relax you at the same time. If all I did was listen to upbeat music, it wouldn’t serve me too much during my times of adversity because it’s not personable. Part of what makes music so powerful is being able to connect to it, and I need entertainment that is not afraid to help and address me in my pain.
As a little life update between my recent months of no posts, my grandma Cheryl passed away at the beginning of the year. It was a difficult season for my family, but we had a beautiful celebration of life over my spring break week. It is a reminder that life can and does hurt very deeply at times. I’ve also battled my own bouts of depression from time to time with other conflicts and my own internal feelings at times. One of the things I want to do to help me in seasons where I feel like that in the future is building albums of encouraging quotes, verses, texts, and more, as well as a playlist with honest, uplifting music. I want to share that playlist here with all of you as I pick out my songs so you can give them a listen and hopefully find some new favorites, too.
I’ll be including these from all genres, including Christian, so you can find all sorts. I hope they can be an encouragement to you in your pain, as they have been for me!

A Playlist for Depression, Sadness, Disappointment, and Discouragement to Give You Hope
Despite my best efforts to narrow this down, there are over 50 songs in this playlist, so you should never run out. I’ll add to it over time, too, so feel free to save it. I tried to stick with the sad songs that still offer the most encouragement. Let me know what you think! And let me know how I can be praying for you!