Journaling has changed my life. I know I’ve said that probably a hundred times by now, but I’m not exaggerating in the slightest. If you would have asked me if it changed my life a year ago, when I started doing it more consistently, I probably would have chuckled and said something like sure, it helps, to get thoughts down and stuff, but that’s not exactly the most life-changing thing in the world.
Oh, but it can be. Give yourself time and then see what happens. It’s amazing how time can bring about various insights, matured perspectives, and more wisdom.
I want to start using my journals to write blog posts, as most of my entries are MUCH shorter than my posts (I’m too lazy to write like I do on this blog by hand…let me tell you), but they have been so powerful for me. And it’s not that I have all these grand quotes I write or anything showy like that, it’s just how these subtle changes and growth flourishes with time.
All of this is to say that I thought since I’m going to be sharing more content from my journals on my blog, I could begin with a “best of” type post, like just share specific quotes and insights I’ve wrote down that God has laid on my heart. I used to do this thing with my notebook I had in eighth grade, where I would go back and underline the things I wanted to remember from earlier entries, the takeaways. I wanted to go back and do this with my most recent journals, so I thought why not share some of those quotes? I won’t share the backstories or extra insights just yet, so I won’t share every single quote I ever have wrote, but the ones that make sense on their own, I will share with you all in hopes they can encourage you, too. The whole point is no explanation for the quotes, just sharing the lines that encourage me (I am slowly trying to get the idea of writing SHORT AND SWEET blog posts through to myself).
One last thing: I do apologize for the grammar mistakes, as I’m truly copying these quotes as they’re written in my journal, and usually I don’t worry too much about perfect writing or editing my thoughts, so the writing itself is rough at times. Other than that, enjoy. 🙂
“Just so thankful that God has made my heart so open for Him—I love how no matter what I’m doing in life, I can always talk & be close to Him & see His beauty in everything”
“Life is a series of highs & lows and I’d do myself a favor if I could remember how God has worked absolutely everything out.”
“God does know what He’s doing, and I know He’s on my side & wants the very best for me.”
“Just because I am bored & impatient does not mean He is not working for me & His glory above all.”
“So you never know, but you do know w/ God, He will absolutely work it out.”
“I have to remember that, too, how some anxiety & depression about the world is normal, because it’s not home. But God will give me those special moments when I need them, to keep me going, to finish the race.”
“I know I just need to let Him take the wheel. Life is going to have pain, I need to stop being so entitled and think I’m exempt from it. But God will take care of it every time—I don’t know how many things He has to do for me to make me believe it. I just have to breathe, cry if I need to (because it is okay to not be okay sometimes, as one of my favorite song says), and then trust God.”
“The best things in my life have come without me even doing anything for them. So stop thinking so much because it’s exhausting. It’s not a burden He wants me to carry because He’s got it.”
“It doesn’t make any difference whether I try to control something or not—what happens will still happen…. What if I just trust Him when it doesn’t go as I think?”
“It will be an amazing life with God. Expectations for life is fine, but when it comes to the moment, I just need to be in it. Take it as it comes. That’s when it’s most precious, and God surprises you.”
“It’s not always about relearning or finding something new to learn. Most of the time it’s about slowing the heck down to truly just be still with God and remember the things He’s already taught you and you already know to be true and know you believe.”
I will share many more stories from my journals expanding upon these in time. 🙂 Do you journal, and if so, how has it helped and influenced your life?