I don’t even remember if it was one week or two weeks ago, but once upon a time I went to Knoxville. I was sick of dealing with the sun making me blind, plus I wanted to wear my sparkly sunglasses because we all know they’re awesome, so that’s what I did to start off with. Dad didn’t plan on going to the races that night, but a track where people like Terry McCarl race was canceled or something, so we went because they would be here tonight.
Wellll I kept taking them off because they were killing my eyes for some dumb reason. I cleaned the lenses, but the problem persisted. My eyes didn’t hurt at all when I took them off. It felt like they were being strained or something. I don’t even know.
More than a week ago or sometime in my life, I went on a field trip to the dam. A dam field trip! We had to take a dam packet, too. I’m not kidding. 😉 Oh, this is fun. I’ll stop now. We went over the mile long bridge that goes over the river/lake that the dam is on…. I couldn’t see it, though.
The dam field trip was a fun one. 🙂
Knoxville is always a blast. Did you know they pray? They do, and I love it. I’m surprised they haven’t been told to stop. Maybe they have, and they just keep doing it. That’s the boldness our country needs. I love that they pray. I hope they never stop.
GUYS. I got the chicken!!! If you haven’t done so, read how spring car racing is like life. I never got the chicken then. I got it now, though. I can live now.
In life, there’s a time for everything. Sometimes you have to work, and sometimes you have to relax. We had a very laid back, fun night at the races. I love nights like those. Plus it gives me something to blog about. 😉
In this picture, it looks like the heavens are looking down on us. There’s never a time my faith DOESN’T come with me. I’m always talking to God, and I’m so thankful He listens to me. I remember really getting close to Him in prayer when I was in fourth grade, and we went on a camping trip for a few days. I’m a homesick person, and it concerned me, so I turned to God. I’ve been turning to Him ever since no matter where I am. Prayer is so important, and God cares for you. Talk to Him about whatever, whenever, wherever.
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
Dad even caught us a shirt haha…
At the end of the night was one of the best parts, seeing McKenna Haase yet again. I’ve met her before. She is my favorite driver, and it’s always great seeing her. See guys, I told you in my racing is like life post that the best things come at the end. READ THAT HERE.
That can be said about prayer, too. Sometimes you have to pray a long, long time before it gets answered. Sometimes your prayers don’t get answered how you want them to. But in the end, it is always for the best. God created you and promises a good plan for you, so I think He knows way better than you do. What are you all doing for summer?!