Welcome to part two of my Las Vegas series! I’m not going to spend a lot of time blabbing before we dive right into it because I’m already so embarrassed by how long these posts are, even with being divided up, and how long even my social media captions are. 🥲 I don’t know how I evolved from writing four paragraphs and calling it a day to writing 4,000, but it’s no wonder I was able to get way more done for my blog. 😂 Anyway, I am going to work harder to make my posts shorter in the future, but that’s not going to be right now, so feel free to skim or find the headings that most interest you.
This part continues where we left off on Day 2 and covers the rest of what we did that evening, and there was a lot. More than anything, though, I have a lot of cool pictures to show you. A lot of my favorite photos came from this evening, and you’ll see why.
Day 2, Continued: An Evening on the Las Vegas Strip
Killing Some Down Time: Exploring Caesar’s Palace and THE FORUM SHOPS!!!
After we got back to our hotel from swimming, it was almost four and our reservations at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant weren’t until 6:45, so we decided to do some more exploring. I wanted to check out The Forum Shops at Caesar’s Palace really badly, which is this HUGE mall that is part of the hotel; I’d found it months in advance when researching shopping places, and it had almost every luxury store you can imagine as well as everyday favorites, like Victoria’s Secret. I think my little bit of shopping that morning left me hungry for more. 😉

Mom looks good in my glasses. 😂

This gives me such Florida vibes. 💕

The architecture of everything is amazing.

Gordon Ramsay’s Hell’s Kitchen
Okay… I couldn’t resist sharing this. 😂 We stopped in Hell’s Kitchen to take a quick peek since it was right in this big courtyard in front of Caesar’s and Mom really wanted to see it, and all this merch was right by the entrance. I know I’m a Christian and not supposed to want anyone to go to hell, butttt when ranting with my mom and other people I don’t need to have a filter with, I use this expression quite frequently. 🤣 I was tempted to buy this short—”Hell” was in gold glitter!—but Mom steered me away from it. 🥲 There was a line for the restaurant and she didn’t want to go in that far, but we got to see it and step foot in it, so that was cool.

This is what I mean by great location: we only had to cross the street to get here!

Caesar’s Palace is just incredible, excessive, and iconic. It definitely gives you an idea of what to imagine when thinking about wealthy kings from history, which is what it’s modeled after. We were both blown away when we walked in. We agreed that while the Flamingo is nice, Caesar’s seems like the place to stay! Mom said it was one of her favorite hotels. After coming back to the Strip again, I don’t know if it is my favorite, but it is definitely up there. The luxury is off the charts.

I love chandeliers!

The casinos always amazed me as we’d walk through. I really don’t know anything about gambling as far as how it actually works (okay, I know how the slots work, as in you insert money and play) and I’m okay with that, but it was fascinating to see just how many different things there are to do. There is an infinite number of slot machines, and then, you see tables like this where you have people actually doling out poker (or whatever they actually do is called, I don’t know anything about it). There would even be lounges at bars where you could gamble and high-stakes rooms, too…this is another area where you could spend a fortune.

I fell in LOVE when I came across this little oasis!! I didn’t realize this at the time, but in the recent months, I’ve actually shifted ideas for my wedding (because I’m getting married at the end of this year in case you didn’t know 🥲) from a beach/city destination to more of a foresty-garden venue. I don’t like sharing a TON about future things I want, like I’m even skeptical outright telling you what my dream car is, even though I said there’s a picture of me in front of it in the first part in this series, because I always worry someone will buy it/get to it before me, and really, it just shows my pettiness. 😂 But isn’t this just breathtaking?
I always thought I’d want to get married on the beach, but I thought about it more and realized I’ve never been to a beach—although I will be going this year sometime or early next—but it doesn’t hold a ton of significant meaning in my life other than being the object of my travel fantasies. Plus, I’m gonna honeymoon there anyway, so when I was rewatching Twilight for the millionth time this fall and Edward and Bella’s wedding, which has a ton of sentimental and romantic value for me, I think a garden venue would be much better for me. 😂 It’d be heavenly!

I remember making Mom mad here because I kept asking for pictures at different angles. She finally told me she’d had enough. 😂


I loved the little cloud projector on the ceiling, which the entire mall had, too!!

This is a shopper’s heaven. It is so overwhelming; I literally didn’t even know where to start because as you get farther into it, there are so many aisles and paths filled with stores…

Jimmy Choo
This was the first store on our right when we entered, and I was already screaming and dying inside because hello, designer, and Jimmy Choo is one I’ve always liked for their extravagant bow heels and glitter. I remember when I was getting glasses, they had Jimmy Choo frames with glitter, and I wanted them the most but they were several hundred dollars just for the frames, and the lady helping us went in the back and brought out one other pair of frames they’d missed for me to consider, AND THOSE WERE DROP DEAD GORGEOUS with rhinestones dotted along the all-black frames!!! Plus, they were way more flattering than the Jimmy Choo ones, so it worked out.
But alas, my freshman self was in heaven walking in here. I think Mom was on the phone with Dad and already like oh, great. I made her take these pictures, and she kept talking to him outside. She wouldn’t set foot in a designer store; she literally can’t stand them with every fiber of her being. I don’t know where I get my expensive taste from because no one in my family has it. 😂 It’s just a special gift God gave me, I guess!

I love their heels, but did you know my dream pair of heels is actually from Kate Spade? The ones I want for my wedding and to have in general are this sold out pair I fell in love with years ago, back in 2018, called the “Iveene” Sandal. They’re satin white with a chunky gold glitter stiletto heel and have a bow on the top, I believe, and I keep trying to find them on Poshmark with no luck, so if anyone can find them, please let me know!! Don’t you dare buy them and take pictures of them first to shove in my face (unless you’re giving them to me!). 😂

I was in heaven looking at the layout of this place. I love all the neutral accents. This is how I could see myself having a walk-in closet someday but definitely not this big!


Saint Laurent
Right after that, I went to Saint Laurent. I didn’t find a ton of stuff in Jimmy Choo I would’ve liked to actually purchase, but it was a treat getting to admire their stuff in person. Out of the designers, Saint Laurent isn’t one of my favorites—they’re too neutral and BORING for me, like I swear all they ever make stuff in is black, white, and tan, which does comprise a lot of my closet, but I need 50 shades of pink to spice it up—but I went in here nevertheless because they’re still iconic. I also need to find a new word to use.

Literally, this is how almost everything they make looks. I do like that white wallet in the center. I would never buy it, though—it’s way too much for being way too basic.

I love love LOVED this ceiling and the string lights hanging around…

Fendi is another designer I’m not a fan of. I honestly just don’t know them that well, but nothing about their aesthetic really stands out to me.


Ha MOM gets so impatient when I take several photos…

Now I don’t even remember what store these were from, but I’ll have to look it up because these mini bags called to me the moment I saw them. They were in the prettiest pastel colors with RHINESTONES, which I can’t get enough of, but they definitely cost a designer amount of money! The adorable mini ones in front of the bags were still $800…

This big fountain was incredible.

I love all the little windows above these stores that are part of the decor in places like this and Paris…even then, I thought wouldn’t it be cool to have a room in one of them. 😂 It would be very small, but they are so cute.

I decided to head down the right aisle and begin exploring. Most of the designers appear right when you walk in.

Michael Kors
I had to check out this ginormous Michael Kors store. We do have one at our outlet mall in Altoona, but this was much bigger.

I didn’t find anything I liked; it was too neutral again. Our outlet has more of a variety of colors and textures.

Altar’d State
This Altar’d State took huge to a new meaning… My family and friends and I love this store, so Mom wanted to check it out, and needless to say, it blows our Jordan Creek Altar’d State, which is actually still big and impeccably decorated, out of the water.

As you can see, it has TWO levels, and their decorating expertise is on full display with this birdcage-like structure in the middle.

They had lots of cute fall outfits out, even in Vegas (I did not know that Vegas had seasons until I started learning more for this trip…it’s a desert—I thought it was always hot). I think I am just now noticing those brown cowboy boots with white hearts in the picture and absolutely kicking myself for not buying them because they used to have a beautiful blush pink pair in the exact same style, and I’m going to Nashville and a country concert this summer, so I would’ve loved having them… I may look them up online and see if I can find them, maybe even cheaper. 😁

This design is beautiful!

They have the cutest stuff!

Mom is so sweet; she wanted to take my picture under this sign. 🥰

She also said this mug made her think of me.

Even going up the stairs was an experience! I loved the way they winded and their matching aesthetic.

It’s giving me my garden/fairycore vibes!!

I wish my friend, Kelsey, could have seen this because she and I always go here when we shop in Des Moines. I would like to take her back out here, and we’ve already discussed doing that sometime.

Beautiful Mother. 😀

I LOVED IT UP HERE! This is where they had all of their sale, and one thing I will say about Altar’d State is that while it is on the pricier end, their sale does not disappoint! I have literally gotten shorts for $4, tops for under $15, and a jacket for under $30! They will even sell dresses for under $15 that regularly go for 80!! That’s usually where Kelsey and I always go first, straight back to the clearance. 😂

Mom bought some jewelry here! I didn’t find anything yet, so we kept walking.

Victoria’s Secret and PINK
I really ascended to heaven when I found my favorite store of all time here, which was part of the reason I chose this mall because I knew they’d have it. But it was also huge!!!

Our Victoria’s Secret at Jordan Creek is big enough but can feel claustrophobic. Not so here! This was like walking through an airport with the space between different collections! I made my first (and ONLY!!!) purchase here in the image below. I bought this satiny kimono/robe because this is what the Angels (their old models) used to wear at fashion shows backstage; they’d have a new variation every year. I didn’t realize this, but Victoria’s Secret Angels are a relic from the past (oh my gosh, I sound like a woke journalist writing about their cancellation…in fact, I’m probably accidentally plagiarizing them because I know I’ve heard that saying before), and I didn’t realize this because I got into Victoria’s Secret when I was in eighth grade when the Angels were still around for about another year, before their yucky marketing guy made comments that offended people, but I never liked their marketing even before they were “anti-woke.” It was too raunchy and harmful to women in other ways.
That being said, I like this store for their girly pink designs and not for their morals whatsoever, and I’ve always wanted one of those robes like I’m an Angel, so when I saw they had one for their “world tour” (whatever the heck that was…it looked freaky but I haven’t seen it yet), I had to buy it. It was $100, but I got a 30 off 100 coupon, so I got it for $70…which was still way too much…but I hadn’t bought anything and I really wanted something from them in Vegas…so now, I have this that is going to sit in my closet with all the other lingerie I’m saving for my garden wedding. 😂 If I had no morals and partook in slutty Halloween in Ames like all the college women nowadays do, I could wear this as a costume, but that’s not going to happen. It is beautiful. I’m glad I got it, but I wish it said something other than the world tour because I think that was basically their woke attempt at a fashion show. 🤮

Look how big this is! PINK had its own floor!!

I loved their baby pink aesthetic up here.

How GORGEOUS is this! This is reminiscent of the “old PINK” and its branding. I know way too much about this store and its branding because I’m obsessed with it; no other store does pink and glam this much how I like it. I used to have their old app when I had only an iPod in 2012/2013, and I was shopping at PINK when I was that young because I loved buying their flip flops or fragrance. My friend and I would always go in there, her much more reluctantly than me, and I always felt like I was gonna get arrested because it’d be just us, one of our moms out sitting on a bench somewhere, and I’d be buying something all on my own, and we’d have to venture into the “dark land” of Victoria’s Secret, where it literally was dark, to check out. Their new branding makes me feel old already. 😂

I love this picture; I have it as my wallpaper right now. 💖

Mom ended up buying some of these cute jackets, and I didn’t realize at the time they had these shackets out (I literally got my picture by them, how scary is that), but Kelsey and I ended up buying both of them in each color later in the month when they went on sale for $20 each.

I found so many other things I wanted, but this store is so expensive when it’s not on sale, and it shouldn’t be because their quality is not that great half the time. I loved the aesthetic of my rhinestone shoes on the black marble. That is something funny that happened when I was in all these designer stores being followed by salespeople, is they kept complimenting my Steve Madden shoes! All of the salespeople in the designer stores were very nice. Mom liked to point out how hardly anyone was ever IN the designer stores; most of the people were out milling about or in stores like Victoria’s Secret. That’s ’cause no one can afford their crap. 😂 In the magazine we got, it said The Forum Shops is a favorite of celebrities, but they’re the only people who can!

Field of Dreams
This looked like a cool store with celebrity gifts from movies and such. Mom especially liked it, but we didn’t go in. She was content to not really go in anywhere, and towards the end, I could tell she was over it, but it worked out because we had to get back to the hotel to dress up for our reservations.

I mainly walked in and right back out of a lot of stores just to see what they were like and what they had. I went into Kate Spade down here.

I think this is an Iron Man costume! Whether it was actually worn or not, I’m not sure—we didn’t look inside—but the note on it said it cost $15k!!!

This was like the mall that never ended. It just kept going deeper and deeper inside, and we went up the escalators next. Poor Mom has dreams where she’s always getting lost or in buildings like these, she said. 😂

On the other side at the top of the escalators, we find THIS! Just when you think the place isn’t big or grand enough! This is actually the photo I saw online when I bookmarked The Forum Shops! I would learn the second time I came to Vegas that this is actually the entrance from outside, too, and there are still all sorts of shops around each of the three levels. It was insane. At this point, though, I think we’d had enough (Mom certainly had, so I thought it was fine to head back), but I’m glad we saw it!

Plus, we found this neat photo op! This is definitely a must after you make it through. 😂

Mom actually bought more than me! I was a little disappointed; I didn’t find as much as I thought. It wasn’t like I was necessarily trying to be careful with money, but I have been trying hard not to buy as much of things I really don’t need or like super well because I’ve accumulated so much stuff over my college years. But there was a void in my heart. 💔

And we’re going back down! I did go in some of the shops on the opposite side as we made our way out.

HAAAAA, like this one! Good ole Agent Provocateur, luxury lingerie. 😂 This is another place I’d seen online and was excited to check out in person. It’s actually a small but cute store, and they didn’t have a lot to choose from. I did find an adorable ~lingerie~ bra for $180 I liked… 🥲

This place was right next to it, and it looked super cute!

I went into GUESS and found some stuff I liked, such as this white shirt I WISH I WOULD HAVE BOUGHT! I must have been trying to be careful with money because I didn’t buy this even though I liked it, and I don’t even think it was that much. I think I actually might’ve been lazy and tired at this point and didn’t feel like actually checking it out, either. 😂

I went into another Gucci that was much bigger! The cushiony fabric inside these glass displays was even pink-tinted! I always joke with Mom about snakeskin—there’s nothing in the world she loves more than snakes 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍—but this bag was actually pretty.

This rose gold Gucci heart jewelry was GORGEOUS! I was seriously tempted to inquire about pricing…

…and I LOVED that ball cap! I figured all of it had to be more than $200, though, so I didn’t.
OH. MY. GOSH. I just found the jewelry on Gucci…THE FRICKING RING IS $370!!!!! The bracelet is $650, and the necklace is $730!!! Good gosh, what a joke… The hat is $460. Wow. To think I thought it was around 200, and even that was bad…

This is out in the courtyard in front of Caesar’s Palace.

Going Back to the Flamingo Hotel to Get Dressed for the Eiffel Tower Restaurant
The Strip in evening light and at sunset and dark takes it to a whole new level. It is so dreamy, which is why these pictures to come are some of my favorites.

I LOVE this background as we’re coming down the escalator by our hotel!

Here’s our evening view from our room! We were getting dressed up for our reservations since the Eiffel Tower Restaurant has a dress code (it wasn’t super uptight, but reviewers said you should dress up because of how well they treat you, and I’m definitely glad we did).

Look at the sunlight flowing over the mountains in the corner…it looks like heaven!

And here’s some more evolution of my corner. 😂 I would just throw all the things I bought and had worn right there…

Our bathroom was so pretty and pink, and I loved the aesthetic of all my pink makeup and clothes with it. I ended up wearing my favorite shade of pink mini dress from SHEIN with polka dots lining it and the prettiest pair of sandals I’ll ever own that are pictured above, my Tory Burch pink glitter jellies. I have always wanted a pair of Tory Burch sandals—they’re like a generic fashion blogger’s staple—but when I saw over the summer that she released these pink glitter ones, I fell in love and knew I had to have them. Then, one night at the mall with Kelsey in Von Maur this fall, I FOUND THEM AT 50% OFF!!!!! They were only $50!!! They matched the dress perfectly and are still elegant. I did a little bit of makeup, but I didn’t have time to do a full face. Mom either bought or gave me one of those adorable pink bags for the flight. All mine fit was my makeup. 😂

Mom looked GORGEOUS in her black ensemble! My dad rudely called this shirt a handkerchief when she wore it to work one day. 😂 As if our boys know anything about fashion! I may have said it before, but Hunter says my pink striped Victoria’s Secret pajamas make me look like I’m in a woman’s prison. I’d be the best dressed there 💁🏼♀️

We are ready to go!

I enjoyed being paparazzi for Mom this whole trip. 😇

We went out a different way by the rideshare, which is so confusing because I don’t know which one is the hotel entrance; they both had a roundabout area, but I LOVED the exterior of this one…

Look at the lights!!

I got my picture in front of one of the shiny cars I was talking about!

Walking to the Eiffel Tower Restaurant at Sunset on the Strip

The coral clouds were from heaven above!

Everything starts lighting up!!

I love the way this lighting made the pink of my dress pop. 💕

Here you can look back and see the alley we came through!

I’m being paparazzi again! She’s easy to photograph. 😊

I DIED EVEN MORE when I saw the MOUNTAINS and the purple-pink clouds above them!!! All glory to God for these amazing sights; He even reigns over the Strip, as depraved as it is, and His beauty is everywhere. I am so thankful to Him for letting me get to see His beauty in all these ways and that no matter how magnificent of buildings or things man builds, it is the natural sights He creates that surpass them all every time and you can see them wherever you are.

Right over the heart of the Strip!!

The Eiffel Tower looked stunning in bokeh!

The Strip was overflowing with people walking the whole time we were there, but I think it got even more active as we branched out for the evening! The Eiffel Tower was also changing colors!!

I seriously can’t get over these pictures and views. They take my breath away just looking at them now.

Inside the Paris Hotel
Here we are, our first time entering the Paris hotel! They also had a dreamy faux sky, and I thought it was cool we could see the “planks” of the Eiffel Tower inside the casino area!

This bridge was so cute! This led up to the viewing deck, which we would do after we ate!

They had good signage and everything was pretty much right there when you walked in, so we found the restaurant at the base of the tower and checked in. They were already so nice and escorted us onto this elevator just for the restaurant!

Dinner at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant
I took a video of us walking in because oh, my gosh, I was BLOWN. AWAY. The views were INCREDIBLE. You feel like you’re sitting above the entire Strip—they have panoramic windows all around it—even though you’re only above the Paris casino. There was soft, warm lighting inside an otherwise dark, moody atmosphere, and it was everything I could’ve hoped for in a fine dining experience. The pictures, for once, did not let me down!!! Also, I was SO thankful to God because we ended up being seated not *right* in front of the window but just a few feet from the couple that was, so basically, we had a window view. I could’ve paid $70 to be “guaranteed” a window spot when I made the reservation—see, you can get everything you want in this city if you just keep throwing out $100 bills—and I honestly did consider that, but I also knew how ridiculous it seemed, and I thought there’s still a chance we get seated at or by a window anyway, AND WE DID! I don’t think this place has a “bad” view, though.
This is the first picture I took, MY HOT DATE hahaha. Well, I’ve always said I wanted to marry someone who’s like the masculine version of my mother as far as personality and values go, which I’m sure he’ll appreciate hearing. Well, if he knows my mother, he’d be HONORED! I think very few people in the world understand and live out true love the way my mom and grandma do. I don’t say this to brag for my own glory; I say it for them because they deserve the recognition and honor that comes with that—oftentimes, people with the purest souls have to take so much crap from other people, and they are no exception, so they deserve all the shoutouts. She sat on this red velvet couch with tables in front of it, and I sat in a nice chair on the other side. It looked like the water fountain show was just ending when we got there, but we got to see it later because it “dances” to music every half hour.

Our waiters were so nice and dressed in all black tuxes and everything. They do wait on your every need and treat you well. We had a candle on our table, which is off to the left but not in this picture, and I’m looking through all my photos as I write to make sure I’m filling in any gaps between them because obviously I can’t upload all of the photos I took, even though I uploaded more than a thousand. Yet for some reason, I didn’t upload the picture with the candle in it!!! Well, I got a candle; that’s the important thing.

There were views in every direction. Night rapidly fell, but twilight left a gorgeous dark purple silhouette of the mountains between the Bellagio and Caesar’s!

I didn’t upload the picture with the candle, but here’s my water glass! We were originally going to split an entree together just because both of us can’t eat a ton of food at one time, but of course, each person had to order an entree; it literally says that on their menu. 😅 That ended up being the best thing, though, because even though the food costs an arm and a leg, it’s not the biggest portion, which ended up being perfect for us to each have. We decided to get some bread as an appetizer, and as far as what we ordered, I’m copying and pasting—thank God I took a picture of the receipt; that’s how I found it: “Roasted Free Range Chicken, Cracked Corn, Salsify, Wild Mushrooms, Jus De Poulet.” Couldn’t tell you what half that is, but it was good! I have a picture, of course.

This view speaks for itself. This made the whole experience.

The couple sitting beside us was so nice! We learned they’re from Kentucky and have been coming to Vegas annually, I think, and staying in a different hotel each time; this time, they were at Paris. They were so easy and fun to talk to, and they took our picture for us! I took some of them, too. You can see THEIR candle!

Our bread came first, and when it came with this butter, I literally didn’t know what it was. I thought it was some kind of pastry, and then I realized it’s butter! I have expensive taste in everything except food. I could eat everyday at a McDonald’s and be perfectly content; in fact, most days I prefer fast food to anything else, which isn’t anything to brag about. 😂

The bread was pretty good, but bread almost always is. It definitely wasn’t the best bread I’ve ever had, but it was only $8 so definitely the cheapest thing we ordered.

I just love the silhouettes of the mountains!


If you look at the big banner image on their website, it literally looks like we could be standing in front of it. I am so happy.

Here’s what we got! It was delicious. I will say that, mainly because of the price, I wouldn’t seek it out again, but it was excellent. I actually ate all of it, too—the potatoes and mushrooms underneath it; it was all fabulous!

This fountain is just incredible. It makes noise similar to if you heard a crane dropping something, a firework going off, or a gunshot when the water shoots up and drops. I can still hear it in my head.

Look—our candle finally made the picture. I wanted to order dessert, and I looked at some pictures online to see what the crap any of it actually was, and I was really in the mood for some sort of chocolate brownie. I got this chocolate soufflé thinking it was what I saw in one of the pictures, and watching our waiter pour in the chocolate was cool!

It looked and tasted fantastic, but it was a little “fluffy” for what I was wanting at the time where, as you can sorta see, Mom got more of this little cheese cake (that’s what it tasted like, I don’t know if that’s what it actually was…) with ice cream, which is more what I wanted, and she expected more of a “cake” taste from hers, so we ended up trying each other’s and switching, and they were both fabulous!

I also ordered a to-go box of macarons! I had never tried them before but always heard good things, so I wanted to finally see for myself what they taste like.

They gave us these little chocolates at the end, too! They were excellent, especially the one on the left with sea salt and except for the one in the middle with cherry filling, which I hate. It’s funny—I can’t remember that well what the others tasted like, but I can remember the taste of that one perfectly!

It was cool how you could see their kitchen when we walked to the elevator to leave! It ended up coming in a little under $200 with the tip, which I was pleased with because that’s what I expected, and we bought almost everything extra that you could. I would absolutely recommend this—the food was good, but the service and ambience take it to the next level. It was one of my favorite things we did.

The Eiffel Tower Viewing Deck
After our dinner, we were going to the Eiffel Tower Viewing Deck! That was not in the same elevator. We went upstairs to this bridge, and then, there was an elevator from there that takes you all the way to the top! Tickets for both of us cost around $70.

We could see over their gift shop, which had the prettiest souvenirs! I ended up buying a beautiful pink tee with a sparkly Paris design over it and a pink Paris poker chip! I would’ve bought more shirts if they’d had my size, so it’s a good thing they didn’t.

This bridge was so awesome!! This is probably how it looks in Paris.

They even had locks on the bridge like they do over there!

The guy ushering people onto the elevator was so nice and conversational. Only so many could go up to the viewing deck at a time, and we could stay as long as we wanted, he said. We also could’ve went any time during the day, but I wanted to save it for the views and lights at night! This is in the reflection on the elevator.

I have videos of us going up the elevator, and you could actually see through the beams the whole time out to the Strip! It moved at a steady pace so it wasn’t too scary, and walking out, we arrived on the platform that was all caged around, which made it a little tricky to take photos, but they have several open boxes or windows I would stick my phone through. The views were INCREDIBLE! It was a little chilly for my liking once the sun went down, but I did have sleeves, which helped.

We could walk all the way around this platform and take in Las Vegas from all directions, as far as our eyes could see the dazzling lights. We got to see the Sphere, which Mom loved!! It changes every few seconds to show a variety of promotional and fun things. This is behind the Strip (or in front, I suppose, depending on which way is which). I LOVED seeing the airplane lights coming in this way—they looked like UFOs!

This almost gives me Times Square vibes from what I’ve seen in photos just with all the lights. You could see almost all the hotels to our right, from Caesar’s to the Mirage and Treasure Island and ours and Drai’s, with rooms that someone said look like penitentiaries, and they do! That was right next to our hotel, and on top, they have a beach club and pool, which I would like to go to since any time I go back, I’ll be 21.

Look at the sphere becoming a moon! I love the moon and always have even as a little kid, my mom said.

Then it turned into animated emojis!

All those dots are from planes coming in!

I can’t believe how grand the Paris hotel is!

This is the view of the Strip going the other way, ending out at Mandalay Bay, which you can see, as well as Luxor, the pyramid, Aria, MGM Grand, and Planet Hollywood. I love seeing the pools from the top. 😂

I kept trying to get photos with the view in the background, but it was so difficult to get the right balance of lighting. I wanted Night Mode to be off to get the most accurate representation of the lights in darkness, but then I looked too dark and fuzzy, but this guy must’ve heard me complaining (embarrassing😂), and he said I needed light from behind me and shined his flashlight on me, which was so sweet. That made all the difference in the following photo. They’re all good to me now, though, that I can see it from a less rigid perspective.

All the lights look awesome.

We waited to see the Bellagio fountain from high up, too! It says online that the Eiffel Tower here is 46 stories and a half-scale replica of the original. I’d love to see the original, too, and how much taller it is!!

And there it is! I love all the stores and restaurants around it; it all looks so gorgeous. They have some high-end restaurants there, too, but I am so glad we went where we did.


The real moon came out!! It was so bright and yellow, but the phone still doesn’t capture that at all hardly.

Mom wanted to wait for the Sphere to become a pumpkin to get pictures!!

It had steam coming out of its eyes and mouth!

It was such a wonderful experience. I highly recommend it. I have quite the story now on what happened between here and our walk over to the High Roller. First off, isn’t this architecture gorgeous? You seriously could have a room up there! I wonder what they do put in all that space. Anyway, Mom had to go to the bathroom, and that’s where the story begins. This is SO hilarious that literally at this time, the girls in my Bible study on campus, who knew I was in Vegas, were texting me, and the one who had been out there before with her family warned me not to take any pictures with the ladies in feather/angel wing costumes because it will cost me $40 or something like that, and I kinda laughed it off, thinking they were placing some sort of bet, and if I took my photo with a prostitute—or whatever their “professional” term is; I called them streetwalkers, which probably isn’t nice, but that’s literally what they’re doing 😂—I would have to pay them. Well, it was a warning from God not understood or heeded.
As I’m waiting for Mom right outside the bathroom, I see two girls walking out in the big feathery wings, wearing no pants and heeled booties. I’m like ah yes, the sights of Vegas…good grief, and then as soon as Mom comes out, she’s talking all excited about them in the bathroom, and she had mentioned earlier wanting a picture with girls in those costumes because it’s Vegas and iconic and it’d be funny, and she thought the costumes and their outfits were beautiful. She asked if she should go chase them down, and I was like oh…go for it. So she talks to them and they’re super sweet if not a little over-the-top (what else would you expect?), and she asks for a picture; OF COURSE they’re all for that no questions asked, and I take a bunch of pictures, which are adorable, and as soon as I’m done, I see Mom talking with them looking taken aback, and they’re trying to get her to tip them $60!!! The girl was sweet but persistent, saying, “Just be nice, you can do whatever you’re comfortable with…” It’s like lady, it has nothing to do with being nice; what would’ve been nice is disclosing you charge for pictures being taken with you!!!
Soooo…Mom tipped them $30. 😂 That may have been her “regret,” but she didn’t regret it because it was funny and she did like the photos and the girls were sweet. I’m not posting the photos because even though Mom looks wonderful with them, I don’t really want to promote skankiness, and I don’t want to get a bill for $6,000 from them since I posted it!

Walking to the LINQ High Roller
After that, we walked over to the High Roller at the LINQ, which is another hotel directly on the opposite side of the Flamingo, so we walked by ours and then down this big, bustling “alley” with lots of stores and restaurants along the sides leading up to the High Roller, which is behind the hotels a bit. We found a CVS on the Strip, and look how busy it is at night!

The Eiffel Tower looks so, so gorgeous at night!

Everyone had to watch the fountain from the pedestrian bridge. 🙃

I wish all the people weren’t in the background, but it is what it is—some guy photobombed me while we were taking these, which was funny.

Mom wanted a picture with Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville on the way over!

We walked by Caesar’s Palace’s Colosseum on the way out from the mall, where Adele was doing a residency, and Mom thought it was cool, so I grabbed a picture when we could see it from the outside.

There were so many cute, fun places back here on the other side of our hotel, and it was also super busy!

On the other side of our hotel, we saw this amazing entrance!

The palm trees had string lights!!!

It was quite a walk to get there and, like The Forum Shops, just kept going with so many cool places to see and visit along the way!

I thought this water fountain was also pretty!

They had an In-N-Out on the Strip here!! That was a place I’d wanted to try and have for one of our meals eventually, but we ran out of time.

Mom was skeptical at first when I told her I wanted to do this and bought us tickets for because she’s not a fan of heights, and I typically hate ferris wheels because I don’t like how insecure they feel, but this had enclosed pods, so I thought it would be a great way to see the city. It’s so cool how it lights up, too.

I am glad we bought tickets for everything far out in advance so we didn’t have to wait in line to purchase them. It looked like we were walking into a movie theater before we got out here because you could buy popcorn and other concessions; it is about a 45-minute ride, they said, so it doesn’t move that fast, allowing you to take everything in. I thought we’d have our own pod together, but they’re pretty big, so some other people were in ours—it looked like a big family celebrating a reunion. This was also around $70 for both of us and we could go any time during that day.

This thing doesn’t stop, either, so you have to kinda jump on!

They even had bar pods…

We had a great view of the monorail going by! Doesn’t it look like the train in The Hunger Games?

There were numerous TVs all along the top of the pod sharing facts and our elevation; we got a little over 500 feet at the highest, and it told us when we were there. There was some seating available, but a lot of people just stood and walked around for different views and pictures.

Here’s a view from underneath it as we began our ascent!

The TVs also shared the amount of time it was taking. The pink glow extended into the pod, which was, as you can guess, a little annoying when I was trying to take pictures, but it’s pink, so how can I complain! You can see the size of the pod here, too.

Our hotel looked beautiful in this light!

Even though we had seen them from the top of the Eiffel Tower, the city lights looked amazing in this, too! Especially BEING FRAMED IN PINK! 💕

We had an even better view of the Sphere!! This picture is pretty zoomed still, but it was so cool.

Lights glittering the horizon…I love it.

I LOVE this picture of everything!

Above the city!

I propped this up against our seat and set a timer to take this picture.

The pink glow made it difficult at times, but I still love all our pictures.

We were up even higher at the top here than when we were in the Eiffel Tower, and it was phenomenal!

It looks like we’re almost in the sky here! We’re above everything!!

Here we could see the Wynn and Space Needle on the Stratosphere!

Just standing over lights for miles…almost like we were on a plane again!

Another close-up of the Sphere!! This would be fun to see inside someday, but tickets are pretty expensive. I heard U2 is or was doing a residency here, so you can even see concerts in it.

I loved both experiences at the top of the Eiffel Tower and in this, but if you’re only doing one, I recommend the High Roller. The views are just greater than anything else, and you’re shielded from the elements! This was another favorite of mine in terms of things we did.

Great view of the pool I didn’t get to go in! That turquoise water is so beautiful. My life goal is to have a built-in pool in my backyard. I didn’t realize they were so expensive (a quick search told me they start at $60k), but I am determined to make it happen someday.

And we’re coming back down.

We walked by this Museum of Selfies! This would’ve been fun to do, but again, everything costs money, and it’s usually not too bad, but we just didn’t have enough time. You could take 10 vacations out here and do different things every single time.

Walking Home to the Flamingo Hotel
We did briefly check out this “Sin City” Vegas store, which had a ton of cute stuff.

I didn’t buy this water bottle because I already have more than I need, but this is one of my favorite shades of pink.

A candy store for Candi!!

Mom with her giant flamingo!

Back at the Flamingo Hotel
We were shot when we got back. It had been a busy but fun full day, and we needed to get as much rest as possible before having to wake up super early the next day. I bought a hoodie because there could still be a bite to the air, and I knew I’d want one for what we were doing the next day. I also bought this adorable pink Flamingo hat.

My corner was still a mess, but I didn’t have the energy to clean it; I still took a shower this night. We ate our macarons when we got back, and I LOVED the caramel one I had; it was gooey inside and a soft crunch on the outside. I didn’t like the fruit ones at all, though, because they tasted exactly like their flavor, and I don’t like fruits in my dessert. 😂

Once I took a shower, we hit the hay. We might have watched FRIENDS for a while beforehand; we ended up watching that show a lot while here. ❤️
Next Post:
Okay, the vagueness is over: the next part will be all about our day trip to the GRAND CANYON! This was such an amazing experience; I can’t even begin to describe it, but I will try. I booked a bus tour for us, and it was so much better than I expected. It was definitely a different vibe for the middle of our trip, and I have tons of photos that will be of very different landscapes but just as beautiful and stunning. Thanks so much for following along, and stay tuned for next week’s post to hear (and see!) all about it.